Monday, May 30, 2011

Getting Website Traffic - 3 Sources You Need to Use Right Now If You Want More Visitors

Are you trying to get more people to your site? In this article I want to show you the three sources of traffic that you need to use if you want to massively increase your traffic & profits at the same time.
Why People Make Getting Visitors Harder Then It Really Is...
When most people start out online they try and do everything at the same time. The biggest reason is that they don't want to miss out on anything and miss out getting more visitors to their site.
The problem is that when you do this you actually end up getting less traffic overall. The reason is because when you spread yourself to thin you end up getting a bit of results from a lot of places.
That is why you need to focus your efforts if you want to get a massive amount of visitors to your site.
The 3 Sources You Need To Be Using Right Now:
#1 - You need to be using banner advertising. This source is one of the oldest and time tested sources on the Internet. People have been using banner advertising since the late 1990's and it still works.
#2 - Search engine optimization. The reason you still want to use this is because it works! It takes time to see results, but if you are doing banner advertising you're going to see results from that right away and can make sales while you wait for the SEO stuff to kick in.
#3 - Pay Per Clicks. You want to make sure you use this source of traffic in your market as it works really good as well. You can get visitors to your site within minutes of taking your campaign live and you can start making money in no time flat.

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