Monday, May 30, 2011

Free Website Traffic Checklist

Website Traffic Check List
Have you ever thought about the benefit you would gain by doing a Website Traffic Check List, with a little bit of planning you will be able to drive more customers to your website that will convert easily to sales. I have put together a Website traffic check list for you to follow in order to increase the traffic to your Website.
These methods I can guarantee to work for you as they have worked for me however, you must follow have the discipline to follow these methods consistently. This doesn't mean you work hard one day and then bother to work for the next couple of days. Everyday must set aside an amount of time each day to dedicate to advertising your Website, even if it's only 30 minutes. The discipline is in doing this regularly and make it a habit. Follow the below check list, and you will notice such a huge difference in the numbers of unique visitors you get to your Website.
Advertise on YouTube
These following statics will surprise you: YouTube has over 70 million unique visitors per month. Already can you see the impact on your business by just creating a video and uploading it to YouTube? One of the keys to a successful video is to create something interesting, something that viewers can watch for entertainment or to learn from.
At this moment, the United States economy is in bad shape, and many people are out of a job. Unemployment rates are rising as the days go on. Now would be an excellent time to offer something to these people who are looking for a job, such as affiliate start-up information, products or services that can save them money, or by using the right resources that will direct these people in the right direction your Website. Did you know that YouTube is the 6th largest community on the Internet? To not advertise on YouTube would be devastating!
Article Marketing
If you think article marketing is old hat can I tell you now that it is one of the top ways to drive traffic to your Website. Just like an artist writes a song and benefits from it forever. You can write an article and benefit from it forever. The key is to write new unique articles on a subject that is relevant to your Website's content, and include a bio at the end of every article with your information and Website address. This is like your footprint left at the bottom of the page and very important because when someone reads your article and finds it to be interesting, they will want to know more about you and what you can offer them, and they will click on the link to your Website. I started writing articles for my home business back in 2003, and six years later, traffic is still coming to my website from those very early articles. If there is one word of advice to you my friend, it would be to keep writing!
Links, Links, the more the merrier bring on the Links!
Don't ever underestimate the power that Linking can bring to your site, it is extremely powerful when it comes to getting traffic, and of course, the kick back is a nice ranking in the search engines. What you want to do is get the link to your Website on high ranking Websites without having to link back. How do you do this?
Use methods such as article marketing, social bookmarking, blogs and press releases. Another tip is that you could either write an ebook or outsource to have the article written for you. When you write the e-book you put in all of your links to your affiliate products and your Website in the e-book, and then offer it for free in exchange for a link to your Website.
So there you now have your Website Traffic Checklist! Monitor your traffic often so that you know which methods are working best for you. By following the above techniques, your traffic will double, if not more, within 30 days.

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